Super creamy, perfectly sweet no-churn Pumpkin Ice Cream is filled with pumpkin puree, warm spices and crushed graham cracker cookies. This refreshing dessert tastes...
The Eagle Brand® perfect Pumpkin Pie recipe is my family’s favorite holiday dessert! I made just a few simple tweaks to make it taste...
Beautiful and festive Butternut Squash Salad is loaded with roasted butternut squash, pomegranate seeds, crunchy pumpkin seeds and tender kale, all tossed in a creamy maple tahini...
Roasted Bacon Brussel Sprouts are one of my favorite side dishes! They’re great for a holiday meal, or an everyday dinner. In this easy...
Flavorful Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins with warm spices are soft, perfectly sweet and so delicious. They’re healthier and easy to make with less oil...
I’m bringing you some major comfort food in the form of Broccoli Rice Casserole! It’s creamy, flavorful, and SO delicious! This side dish is...
These delicious Pumpkin Bars are my favorite Thanksgiving dessert. If you think you love pumpkin pie, just wait until you try my grandma’s recipe for...
These cheesy scalloped potatoes are sliced potato rounds that are cooked in a creamy sauce and then layered with cheese and baked to golden...
Delicious Cornbread Dressing is the perfect side dish to round out your holiday feast! It’s light, fluffy and moist, with the perfect balance of sweet...
A festive Vodka Cranberry Cocktail is the best way to get any holiday party started! It’s made with just 4 ingredients and is ready in...
This recipe for Homemade Pumpkin Spice Creamer is made with 5 simple ingredients in just 5 minutes, and will last the whole week! Warm...
Delicious Chicken Salad with Grapes makes for the ultimate chicken salad sandwich! This recipe is easy to mix together with cooked chicken, grapes, green...