Easy Roasted Red Potatoes are a kitchen staple and a go-to side dish. In this recipe, baby potatoes are seasoned with dill and oven...
Our favorite summer dinner! Stuffed Zucchini Boats are perfect for using up garden fresh zucchini and they are SO tasty! This easy, healthy recipe...
Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies that have a slightly crisp exterior and a soft and chewy center with the most incredible classic chocolate chip cookie...
Perfectly refreshing with just the right amount of spice, this Jalapeño Margarita is made with just 5 simple ingredients for an incredibly tasty cocktail....
Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread with a cinnamon sugar topping is perfectly sweetened, richly flavored, super moist, and easy to make. It’s the perfect excuse for...
Death by Chocolate Trifle is a layered pudding and brownie dessert that looks impressive and tastes amazing, but is super easy to make! It’s starts...
Super flavorful Healthy Chicken Enchilada Casserole is easy to make and takes less than 30 minutes, from start to finish! A mixture of shredded...
Peach Crisp is my latest obsession. I seriously can’t get enough. There is something about warm fruit with a delicious sugary cinnamon oat topping...
This delicious Taco Salad is my go-to meal when I’m craving Mexican food, but want something a little lighter than your typical enchilada dinner....
Banana Pudding Cups are an easy and delicious sweet treat for just about any occasion. They’re fun to make, and even more fun to...
Bright and flavorful Corn Salsa is made with sweet corn, bell pepper, red onion, fresh herbs and a kick of heat from a jalapeño....
The Lemon Drop Martini is a classic vodka drink that’s perfect for summer sippin’ on the patio. So light and refreshing! This cocktail recipe is...