Mini meatloaves are a fun twist on the classic comfort food! Perfectly portioned and packed with flavor, they’re quick to make and ideal for...
Pecan Pie without Corn Syrup still brings all the rich, caramel-like sweetness you love! It has that classic gooey filling, crunchy pecans, and a...
This Healthy Pumpkin Pie is a lighter twist on the holiday classic, made with simple, wholesome ingredients for a creamy, perfectly spiced dessert. It’s...
Delicious Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino is the ultimate seasonal treat, capturing all the comforting flavors of fall in a refreshing, frosty drink. Blending creamy pumpkin...
Sweet Potato Salmon Cakes with Dill Sriracha Sauce are beyond flavorful! Creamy sweet potato binds with flaky pan-seared salmon to create delicious patties. Serve...
Sweet Potato Black Bean Enchiladas are easy to make and always a crowd favorite! They are loaded with vibrant colors and incredible flavor to win...
Tender, fluffy Vegan Pumpkin Bread topped with a luscious vanilla cream cheese frosting is the perfect breakfast or snack to enjoy during the fall...
Smooth, creamy Pumpkin Hummus is a delicious and healthy way to celebrate the fall season. It pairs perfectly with pita chips, crackers, toast, veggies and...
Apple Dump Cake is a warm, cozy, delicious dessert to enjoy this fall! It only has four key ingredients that are dumped into a...
Irresistible Pumpkin Coffee Cake is the best way to highlight warm fall flavors! With a moist, fluffy, pumpkin-flavored interior and a buttery spiced streusel topping,...
No Bake Oreo Dessert is a rich and creamy layered dessert with irresistible layers of cheesecake, pudding and whipped cream, all nestled in an...
This irresistibly flaky Puff Pastry Apple Tart with sweet, fall flavors could not be more delicious or easier to make. One bite of the...