This Slow Cooker Apple Crisp is warm, cozy and so easy to make. The combination of tender, sweet apple slices topped with a buttery...
Hamburger Bowls are like your favorite burger, deconstructed and served in a bowl! These are packed with delicious flavor and amazing texture, you’ll be...
Apple Spice Crumb Muffins are soft and tender with small bits of grated fresh apple, applesauce and plenty of warm spices. They’re topped with...
Apple Pie Overnight Oats are sure to get your day started off right! Made with rolled oats, milk, yogurt and warm spices, then topped...
Cold and creamy Apple Smoothie is easy to make with protein powder, milk, Greek yogurt, oats and cozy flavorings. It tastes amazing and has...
Soft-baked and ultra chewy Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies are made with brown sugar, vanilla, chewy oats, white chocolate chips, dried cranberries and a secret ingredient....
Greek Pita Pizzas are a delicious and easy way to satisfy your pizza craving whenever it strikes! Customize your pitas or give them a...
Egg Muffin Cups are an easy ready-to-go option for busy mornings. These egg muffins are packed with bacon, spinach, bell pepper, and loaded with...
Soft, fluffy, moist Banana Oatmeal Muffins with a brown sugar streusel topping will bring major deliciousness to your breakfast table. These are easy to make...
Delicious Apple Blackberry Crumble with plump, juicy blackberries and tender apple slices covered in a buttery crumbly crust. This easy dessert recipe has the...
This easy Cheeseburger Casserole is always a winning dinner with both kids and adults! It’s made with a combination of ground beef, rice, cheese,...
No-Bake Blueberry Yum Yum is a creamy and delicious layered dessert that’s always a hit! With amazing layers that include a graham cracker crust,...