Carrot Cake Overnight Oats taste just like a slice of carrot cake in nourishing oatmeal form! This recipe is packed with grated carrots, walnuts,...
Creamy and comforting, this Chicken Enchilada Soup is loaded with shredded chicken, fire-roasted tomatoes, black beans, corn and spices in a creamy broth. It...
This lightened-up Strawberry Banana Bread is made without butter or oil, but it’s so soft and tender that you’d never be able to tell!...
Strawberry Pretzel Salad is the perfect combination of sweet and salty with delicious fruity flavor. This layered dessert starts with a pretzel crust that’s...
This Southwest Salad is a fresh and colorful combination of seasoned chicken, veggies, beans, jicama, cheese and tortilla strips, all tossed in the most...
Flavorful Curried Egg Salad is easy to make, yet turns out so creamy and delicious! With a mix of boiled eggs, diced celery, dried...
The most delicious frosted Carrot Cake Loaf tastes just like the classic dessert but in an easy-to-make quick bread form! It’s perfectly moist and...
Seared Salmon Tacos with Avocado Crema is the perfect twist on the original fish taco recipe and a family favorite! These are super quick and...
Satisfy your sweet tooth with Grandma’s Date Cookies. Soft and chewy with a delicious swirl of dates and chopped pecans, these golden treats are...
This flavorful, easy-to-make Arugula Salad will elevate any meal! With fresh, simple ingredients, this recipe comes together quickly, and the flavors of the peppery...
A simple, rustic grape cake recipe with all the depth of fresh grapes baked into a delicate, lightly sweet cornmeal cake. The perfect dessert for...
A must-try dessert, the Cookie Croissant has gone TikTok viral for good reason! Created by the bakery, Maison Louvard in Paris, France, this decadent...