This Broccoli and Ham Frittata is incredibly tasty and so easy to throw together. Bookmark this recipe to have on-hand during the holidays for...
This simple Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cake is studded with sweet chocolate chips and infused with lovely Fall flavors- a MUST make this season! The...
The Corner Bakery’s Chilled Berry Almond Swiss Oatmeal is a seasonal item, but with this copycat recipe, you can enjoy this delicious swiss oatmeal...
Thanks so much to Alexia Foods for sponsoring this post and helping to bring a nutritious delicious dinner to my family in under 30...
It’s Sunday and the coolest morning Texas has seen since this past winter, so Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Waffles- that’s what’s for breakfast! These aren’t...
Before you drop a bunch of dough on the Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbies, give this healthier pumpkin spice creamer a try! The better-for-you,...
It’s still pushing 100 degrees in Texas, but I think that’s Fall I smell in the air. Pumpkin Spice Lattes are up for grabs...
These gluten-free Greek Yogurt Oat Pancakes are hearty and satisfying. They’re packed with over 16 grams of protein without an ounce of protein powder,...
Thanks so much to Barefoot Refresh® for sponsoring my Easy Homemade Salsa and this post. As summer comes to an end (insert sad face...
Hello, friends! Happy 1st day of September! Apple season is definitely upon us and I can smell autumn in the air… even though it...
Hiya, friends! My newest mug cake creation is the most moist decadent microwave treat yet! With just 5 minutes and 5 ingredients, this scrumptious...
Have you tried frozen grapes? Oh my goodness… obsessed! I combined my love for frozen grapes with a few other favorites to create the...