Refreshing strawberry salsa served with homemade cinnamon pita chips is a hit served at any summertime party. Take this healthy appetizer to your next...
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Pompeian Olive Oil. A unique hummus recipe created with an onion...
Easy, convenient Back-to School Snack Ideas for even the pickiest kids! These recipes are perfect for when the kids get home from school and...
A layer of crunchy rosemary infused almonds over flaky salmon, served atop a white bean kale and spinach salad with a lemon honey vinaigrette....
Thick, fluffy, full of flavor Chocolate Chip Cherry Pancakes are easy to make with coconut flour. Perfectly sweet and tart, these cherry almond pancakes taste...
Banana Chia Seed Whipped Oatmeal is my basic go-to oatmeal recipe… whipping about half a banana and one tablespoon of Chia seeds into your...
This Caprese Pizza is gourmet pizza at it’s finest, with simple light ingredients. The Spelt Flour Pizza Crust is crispy, thin with a rich...
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream… Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream, that is! This lusciously sweet creaminess is the perfect treat...
No need to waste time making breakfast in the morning- bake these mini spinach frittatas in advance and you’ll have a protein-rich meal that’s...
An easy fresh summer salad, that’s perfect for bringing to your next BBQ or pool party! Hello, Lovelies and happy weekend to ya! I...
This tomato soup recipe is easy-to-follow and makes the perfect summertime meal, especially when fresh tomatoes from the garden or farmer’s market are used!...
Savor sweet, juicy peaches with this healthier peach skillet cake that tastes like summer. My son, Landen, is one of those kids that’s always...